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joanteno | all galleries >> Picture of the Week >> Picture of the Week 2005 > Bristol Diner on April 2 2005 p.jpg
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Bristol Diner on April 2 2005 p.jpg

Wonderful diner in Bristol, RI. A real slice of Americana with orders being shouted out, a busy cook who has time for specials eggs for a young child, and elderly women making so many slices of toast my head was spinning. This is the back stoop where they all come for some down time after the morning rush.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX7
1/8s f/4.6 at 14.0mm iso80 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Guest 04-Apr-2005 21:32
Like this, I think it looks even better in BW. Just my opinion :)
oochappan03-Apr-2005 20:03
Excellent compo and color contrast
JeremyGood03-Apr-2005 04:41
I would love to have breakfast there!
northstar3702-Apr-2005 23:40
Sounds tasty, I'm hungry now.