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Ver Videz | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jun Lanuza 05-Apr-2020 00:16
Nice hobby, Pare! I just hope I had that patience you have in understanding Photography. So, what I can settle for now will simply be just looking at the pictures you share. We've been to Tokyo and Mt. Fuji sometime 2 years ago, took some photos as you can see in my FB profile but not as good as the way you take your shots.
Ver Videz01-Dec-2008 16:10
Thanks for the suggestion.
Ver Videz25-Apr-2008 03:13

Thanks for viewing my galleries. As you know I never have had any passion for photography before. But the advent of digital capture steered me to indulge into photography, not as a means of livelihood, but only as a hobby and pastime. There is so much fun in it that when I got the shooting right or wrong in the field, I am more hooked on to do it again. Since my entry into photography late December of 2005 I have realized that the real beauty of anything that surrounds us can only be truly defined as such when one puts his/her eye through the viewfinder of the camera. Though very expensive, this is indeed a very wonderful pastime. Thanks again for the visit Sis. Missing you all there too.

Ver Videz14-Feb-2008 04:32

Thanks for your comments. I hope I will be able again to go to Canada someday to shoot. Canada is full of beautiful landscapes - things we lack here in Okinawa. As such, I shoot very sparingly and most often my gears are lying idle at home.

Edwin PaƱa 31-Dec-2007 18:23
Hi Ver,

You're doing great job at all!
