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Steve Davenport | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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chris clark 21-May-2019 03:49
Hello,was a classmate from 1968-70,my name is Chris Clark and my sister was Cathy Clark from Calgary Canada,was wondering if anyone knows David Blyth? Wow this brought back a flood of memories
Guest 27-Oct-2017 16:15
Is here anyone who knows Steve Davenport?
coffre fort23-May-2015 18:05
Great shots!
perte cheveux17-May-2015 12:02
Great shots!
huile de ricin14-May-2015 12:50
I am really impressed by your gallery, sorry for my english:)
Avoir une belle peau01-May-2015 13:09
Vous ĂȘtes incroyable dans vos photos.
David Quinn 05-May-2014 12:16
i use live in on the street by the side of the school wow thanks for the pic
David Quinn 05-May-2014 12:04
hey mosie danielpour im ur friend david quinn from ireland class 78
Guest 17-Jul-2013 14:18
Steve, do you have Rey Martelino's contact details. I will be working in Manila from 25 July onwards. @AsifAAhmad
Bob Fermea 13-Dec-2011 03:48
I knew your folks quite well in Iraq and I was hoping to talk with them today, when we are finally getting our soldiers out of that country. But did you hear how many civilians are staying? 15,000 is what I think I heard on NPR tonight. Anyway it is too many.
Your TV formating and development of communication possibilities is cool indeed. It is very 21st century!
Sorry your folks are no longer with us. I will hit 80 in January, but so good. BJ died and I am in a retirement home, but I like it and the girls are around and I see them and talk on the phone frequently.
I go along too long. Get in touch or stop by next time you are in San Diego.
elena Lawrence 08-Aug-2011 16:16
Dear steve,

I just found out from your album that Mike Babai past away. I was married to him. Last time
talk to mike it was in 1983. If you know how did he died why so young? Please let me know.
my name is Elena.
thank you.
jenny pilidi 21-May-2011 11:24
Thank you for your perfect job. You don't remember me. I am Niki's cousin. Thank you once more for all these beautiful moments.
marwanjose BABA 23-Aug-2010 13:27
Every once in a while I like to look at this great write-up,composition of pictures that you
have given the CHS family ... Once again, Thank You STEVE ...FANTASTIC WORK
Charles Sandes 03-Mar-2010 20:33
I started attending CHS in January 1960 and graduated with class of 1961 in June 1961. The class website is "". We will be hosting our 50th reunion in Santa Fe, NM, USA next summer. Contact me for information. My best to all who shared the experience. charlessandes at gmail dot com. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Steve Satterfield 08-Dec-2009 19:35
Mr. Davenport, My name is Steve Satterfield. I went to Iranzamine International School in Tehran in 1969. I believe we have a mutual friend, Janice Moghadam. It has been 40 years since I have seen Janice and would love to say hello via email or letter. I saw reunion photos taken in 2003 and I am sure Janice is in the photos. If you have her email address I would love to say hello. Thank you.
Bill Smith 08-Oct-2009 07:55
PS I would love to hear from any one that Knew me in Iran, I remeber Kaveh Nafici, if I spelled it right , he helped to teach me to play Tennis at the American Officers club I lifeguarded there in the summers, I would of course love to hear from the sweetest girl in the world Juni FarmanFarmaian, and of course that boy I helped at Iranzamine the day he broke his arm and I took him to the hospital , George Casal one of the nicest young men and the classiest I mty have ever had the pleasur e of knowing , oh I miss those days in Tehran. I can be reached in Tampa,Florida, e,ail and thank you Steve for this wonderful site, You may want to check out the TASEagles .com form the American School. likely you will find many friends on there as well folks, God bless and keep all of you,,, Bill Smith Tampa Florida.
Bill Smith 08-Oct-2009 07:41
Hello, I had the pleasure of meeting Juni FarmanFarmaian in the Winter/Spring of 1969 at Tehran Iranzamine International School. I am Bill Smith . I only went ther the second half of that one yr, But never in any year before nor since have I ever met such a absolute Joy to be around , She was the sweetest , friendliest, and sharp, smart, and dropdead Gorgeous girl I ever met, She made me feel both welcome and accepted and my heart skip several beats whenever she walked by, when she was talking to me it stopped , or it felt like it did, What a wonderful person, I will always cherish knowing her and would dearly love to have her know I think she is the epitomy of a wonderful Lady, I just saw her Picture on the CHS Page, I see she got her Mothers Beauty, And then She ran with it , WOW what a gorgeous Lady, and trust me Her Beauty you see on the outside Is Emanating from within, Juni if you see this I will always cherish my crush on you , and I will alwys carry a very special place in my heart for you, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being the wonderfu; , welcoming , beautiful friend you were to me , God Bless and Keep You and Yours Now and Forever LOve Ya always Bill Smith Tampa Florida
haleh khadjehnouri 22-Aug-2009 19:51
Do you know me?! well,I don't remember you either! But I just don't know how I got to see your Photo Gallery, and it was so nostalgic that I couldn't resist emailing you Thanks, it's very nice and kind what you do.
I was friends with Rita, Wilma, Aviva, (best friends with Jasmin) Shlomo, AMIR(!), Murad, Jackie...., and I'm still friends with Ladan and Kambiz (because they're in Iran most of the time).
Could you please send me their email addresses or something?
thanks again, Haleh
Moise Danielpour 22-Jul-2009 23:48
I having been trying to locate some of my classmates from community school (8th grade in 1979). Eddie Cohen? Evelyne cohandoost? Does anyone know where they ended up?
Caline 10-Jul-2009 22:31
Hi Steve (and others who peep on this site)
Still living in South of France , but moved a bit further away from Toulouse.

Here is my new Email:
Stephen Harlan 25-May-2009 22:07
Steve, This takes me back to one of the most fun times of my life. To see all these old faces of friends. I definitely rember Sarvey Pahlavi, Sue Nuban, Ronny Borshan, Zdravko, Shahin, Bobby Irvine, Sasson Saddick, Sharmine Ghoreshi, and others. I'd love to share some old memories with these folks; and anyone else who was at CHS from 1966 - 1969, from 6th grade to 9th.

If you'd like to contact me, please do so at
Thanks, Steve Harlan
James Feit 24-Feb-2009 20:57
Steve, Thank you fot posting thee pictures. My wife, Jane, and I taught at CHS from Sept. 1971 to July 1978. We were also boy's dorm parents for the year 1971-1972. I loved seeing the pictures of the dorm life. Do you know where Lorrin Shepard is or the Hall brothers Chris and Henry are?
Alastair Dickson 05-Feb-2009 14:58
Hi Steve ,I'm looking for an email address for an old friend,Kate Cavness. I met Kate while she was studying in Bordeaux in 1973 and I'd like to say hello.
Lars Wallis 26-Dec-2008 21:55
Steve - I sent you some pics from the '66 yearbook. I have really enjoyed a visit to the past. Iran is a very special place that I sincerely hope to revisit one day.

Lars Wallis
Arlington VA
CS '65 & '66
Cherie Mineart (Mobasheri) 04-Aug-2008 17:54
Thanks for all the memories of CHS. My first ever teaching job was at CHS from 77 - 79 (before, during, and after). I have been back to Iran since then and the warm, generous Iranian hospitality is still as wonderful as ever.
Ro Fleury 24-Jul-2008 19:14
Don't you love these emails from relatives that you've never even Heard Of?!?
I'm a 2nd or 3rd cousin... the link is as follows:
Charles Mattoon Foster, Louis Seward Foster, Phyllis Marolyn Foster, me! I think we have common great grandparents, or is it that our grand parents are related? Well, I'll have to check that out, now, won't I?!?
I just stopped by to take a look at your lovely photos (and grabbed a few) for my Genealogical research. Hope you don't mind!
Hope all is well with you and your family, and thank you so much for the lovely images - you have such an interesting family and so many friends!!!
Bye for now - Ro
P.S.: I've been been in touch with Jeanne Allan... her website is amazing! I'm doing what I can to help with information and/or images regarding our common ancestors... if you don't know, she lives in Olympia.
Elias Nathaniel 18-Apr-2008 05:04
Hi All;

Please remember to mark your calendars for our next CHS/TIS reunion taking place August 2009 in Montreal, Canada. Check out the details at
Brad Foreman 13-Mar-2008 20:08
Dear Friends,

Today my brother-in-law, David Corley, went on to heaven. He passed away March 12 in Ossining, NY. He will be missed by all.

Brad Foreman
Guest 02-Mar-2008 00:44
You may remember me. I was one or two years before you. But the memories of you always with your camera just came back to me. This is a great job, and thank you.
David Shaby '69
Behrouze 05-Dec-2007 19:48
I lived in Ahwaz next door to Mark & David woodward. I was thinking about them yesterday and I thought I try to find them and say hello. Hope they see this and send me an email or call me at 949-497-1935.
Rick Warren 16-Oct-2007 21:20
Hey Steve, it's been a while. What a blast from the past.
Those years at the Dorm were some of the most memorable
I have. Often have wondered where life had taken every one.
It's like so many of us were gathered together from all over
the planet, for a brief moment, then cast back to every corner of
the world. Hope this finds any and all safe and happy. It was
nice to see my old room-mate Mark Woodward post. I'd often wondered
what happened after he left part way into the year and like Mark
had thought of Billy and his sister. Well I hear the phone and this
might be the call about my first Grandchild.
Rick Warren
Guest 10-Oct-2007 07:59
Dear Steve
you had a great job, your collection is very nice and they have lots of thing to say.
Mona Johnson 10-Oct-2007 03:19
I am Mona Miller. I just saw my picture in the Guys and Dolls dance. This is the first time I have accessed the sites. Where have I been for 30 years!!! I think I do have the program for the play. Is there any place with a list of former teachers? I'm looking for 1968-1970.
Thanks for the surprise and the thrill.
Mona Johnson
Guest 20-Jun-2007 07:19
Wow, that is great. I'm at a loss of words.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:16
I have great respect for your work.
Paul Middents 22-Nov-2006 17:47
Dear Steve,

We are distantly related and might have met back in the 80's. Your parents visited us shortly after I was transferred to the Submarine Base near Silverdale. Your great grandmother, Grace Ohden was my great aunt.

My father, Lenhard Middents, was a Prebyterian pastor. Our church in Paullina, Iowa was one of the sponsors for Joyce and Harold in Iraq. I remember them staying with us in the when they were home on furlow and visiting churches around Iowa. This was probably in the mid 1950's.

I have often thought of your parents as the situation in Iraq goes from bad to worse. Yesterday, I attended the regular meeting of Seattle Presbytery and attended a briefing "The Human and Spiritual Cost of the Iraq War". One of the presenters was Dr. Dolphine Oda. She grew up in Baghdad. Harold Davenport was her teacher in high school. She would very much like to contact your parents.

Paul Middents
Dave Corley 04-Nov-2006 01:47
I attended CHS from first grade in 1963 until graduation in 1975. Lots of fun looking over the site and the pictures. I may have a few pictures to include.

Dave Corley
Ossining, NY
Dusan Nikicevic 23-Sep-2006 01:44
Ups! Email didn't show:
Dusan Nikicevic 23-Sep-2006 01:43
After years of internet searching, I finally stumbled across this site! What an incredible feeling it was to see pictures of the old stomping grounds and faces of our teachers! Back then I spelled my name Dushan Nikichevich, for easier pronunciation. I was there 1972-1976 and have no words to describe my feelings when I saw my picture in the 1976 Yearbook link! I am class of 1980 and ANYONE from that era wishing to contact me, or knows someone that I may have know, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Katia Dallalpour 16-Jul-2006 03:41
Hello Steve!
What a wonderful compilation of memories! My kids have asked me about my life in school and back in Iran and I had no photos (left them with the revolution). So now I can share them and explain our wonderful fairytale life over there. We truly lived the model United Nations over there! Thanks for the wonderful job you are doing! I, among many, really appreciate it!
Katia Dallalpour in Montreal, class of '74
Spiro Vassilopoulos 22-May-2006 02:23

Please let me know how to get a hold of you....
Caline Treillet-Duchange 18-May-2006 22:27
HI steve,
heard about the web site and was eager to look at old pictures.
GREAT JOB you did !!
My name is Caline ,graduated in 70 .
Never became an airine stewardess, but ended up as resident manager for a tour operator in various asian countries.I am now living in south of France.
Would love to hear from old school friends if they remenber me....
TOM E. RICE 13-Apr-2006 00:37
Hi Steve:
My brother and I, Jimmy Rice, attended CHS from 1969-1971, Freshman-Sophmore years. I have the CHS year books for 1970 and 1971 and when I get back to the States, I am currently on active duty with the U. S. Navy Security Police, stationed in Naples, Italy, I will scan the BOOKs so you can add them to this web-site. Lots of good memories between the pages. My parents were at Sharoki AFB near Hamadan so we were living at Don-Bosco boarding school, then moved in with Ray Martelino (the Filipino) and later stayed with Farough Tavassoli. Anyway CHS and Iran will alwayse be one of the favorite times in my life. More to follow.
Tom E. Rice MA1(AW)
NSA Security Police
Naples, Italy
Guest 16-Mar-2006 20:36
Hi, I just found this site. My name is Massoud Farah and I went to CHS through 1968. How do I see the photos of CHS? Thanks
Marwan-joseBABA (Bobby) 13-Feb-2006 10:49
A very good Job...I salute you steve..
omid 09-Dec-2005 18:16
dear steve,
I received your message re. my iran photos on ofoto
may I ask where/how you found out about my photos?
Shady Eshghi 22-Nov-2005 14:26
Hi Steve;
Thank you so much for the CHS campus pics....I live in Tehran; but through all these years have NEVER had the courage to go to the CHS campus myself...I knew it would make me feel sad. I thought seeing the CHS campus in a poor condition would shatter the beautiful memories I had of it....I wanted to keep my memories of the CHS campus intact; as they had been left in 1978. I called the Cultural Heritage of Iran and asked them if they would preserve the beautiful old buildings since it was among the oldest Hospitals in Iran and beautiful...They were glad I called; and quite eager to preserve it; they said they will send someone for research....haven't followed up since. I believe if we all call them it will deffinitely make a difference...The old french school of Iran ( can't remember the name ) has been preserved by the Cultural Heritage Foundation a few yrs ago...that means they can never tear down the building or sell it or use it for any other purpose other than cultural means.
Shady Eshghi
Bob Oswald 19-Nov-2005 06:44
Hi.... Thanks to all for doing this. I was in Miss Rankin's 7th grade (class of 71) and then in Dr. Cates' 9th grade (class of 70). I remember many of your names and faces, and with pleasure. Does anyone remember me pretending to kick Miss Rankin's bottom when she bent over one day, and accidentally connecting? The single most embarrassing moment of my life, and I still cringe at the thought. I remember Steve Ward as a tough, good kid, Juni Farmanfarmaian as very cute and likeable, Jackie Burckhardt as the first girl I fell in love with, Mo Monadjem and Zige Vodusek as clever chaps, David Menashi as an outstanding individual, and of course many others. What was the name of the man who served us the ground meat in tomato sauce on a bun every day? I'd like to eat some of that now!
Louise McNair Bradford 27-Oct-2005 14:21
Hi Steve,
Great pictures. It was especially fun to see pictures of the CHS building from 9/2005. I love seeing all the friends from a wonderful time in my life. Thanks for taking the time to post all these pictures. All the pictures from the class of 1970 reunion in Mont Tremblant, Canada are a great reminder of a special time. Hope to see you all again soon.
Farrokh Khabiri 23-Oct-2005 00:36
Hi Steve,
I was in CHS about 1966 in the last couple of months of 6th grade and all of 7th grade. Then I moved to Iranzamin with my 2 brothers. I appear in Ronny Borshan's photo album on this site on page 1, at the bottom left. I thank you for putting together this wonderful site. Everyone's comments agrees that this brings incredibly valuable memories. I'd love to hear from any of our friends who remembers me. Thanks again!
Tricia Amirsoleymani 24-Sep-2005 08:09
Hi Everyone, Wish I could have made it to the reunion. I attended CHS from 1964 to 1968, leaving after my sophomore year. My brother, Francis, graduated from CHS in 1967. I have very much enjoyed perusing the different galleries. I returned to Iran in 1975 where I met and married my husband, Kamran Amirsoleymani. We have two daughters, Roya(21) and Yasmin(17). We now live in Scottsdale, Arizona. It was great to see some familiar faces.
Tricia Amirsoleymani(Pat Chere)
Mark Woodward 05-Sep-2005 22:27
It is good to reconnect with all the pictures and familiar names. I look forward to reconnecting to many folks one on one. Anyone hear from Billy Stewart? It was amazing to see Spiro' name and get an emal from him. Wow - 40 years goes by so fast! Thanks Steve.
David Woodward 29-Aug-2005 14:55
Thanks for doing all this work, Steve. It's terrific and will be appreciated by everyone who attended CHS. I was only there for the Fall of 1968, but I had a great time there and as you know, Margy, Beth Louise, and Mark were all there much longer than me. I know we have a bunch of pictures of life at CHS from the 1950s and 1960s so eventually we'll get some of them to you.

Samir 17-Aug-2005 11:23
My name is Samir - Murad's brother - I really enjoyed your pictures. Wish there was more I could contribute - but I left all my pictures at CHS!
Guest 10-Aug-2005 03:14
The pictures are wonderful to see. Great memories of going to Community School. So fun to hear from and about everyone. Thanks for putting this together.
Louise McNair Bradford
Diana Pennacchio-Russler 09-Jul-2005 15:38
David passed me your email link. I have some pictures which I will scan in as soon as I can. Hard to believe it was 30 years plus ago!
Diana Pennacchio Russler
Verna Vaughn 13-Jun-2005 14:22
Hello everyone...It's great to find you all again. I'm at I live in Delaware by the beach. Steve Wilcox found me through my brother-in-law in Nebraska. I'm multiply divorced, but have 3 great kids. Meagan is 27 and slowly making her way through Univ. of Maryland. She will be moving in with her boyfried in August. John and Dana are 23 (twins). Dana and her husband live in N.Carolina. He's a marine and will be going back to Iraq in August. John is in the Navy and is an MA5 at Gaetta in Italy. He and his wife are having a ball in Europe. I'll be going there this fall. That's the quick version. Love you all,
Verna Vaughn (got my name back!)
Guest 13-Jun-2005 06:32
Hey Steve,
This is a great collection of memories you have posted.
What a treat for all who were there in those magical days.
Hearing from friends after so many years is truly heart-warming.
Aviva 09-Jun-2005 17:33
Thank you for this terrific photo gallery! Every time I visit I enjoy the new additions and can't help but revisit the ones I've already seen. With pictures memories really come to life.
Aviva Djiji-Levy
Carolyn Desmond 28-May-2005 18:16
Chris called me after the wonderful suprise of your call yesterday. Have SO enjoyed looking at all the fabulous photos here (admitting that I am using the CHS 1969 yearbook along side to bridge some memory gaps) .... it's a fabulous thing you've done putting this together. I'll certainly be checking back to see the updates and will rummage to find some photos to contribute.
Best regards,
Carolyn Desmond
chris desmond 28-May-2005 00:23
Again, thanks so much for the call. This is all rather astonishing! Wonderful....and oh yeah, I now remember the face behind the view finder.

Ronny Borshan 16-May-2005 21:29
Hey Steve,
I'm sure you don't remember me..I was in Tim's class. I was school photographer a few years and have some pics I think you may like.

Ronny Borshan
Jack Shakarchy 12-May-2005 22:43
Hi Steve,
Great memories, say hi to your brother, Tim/regards jack
Guest 12-May-2005 06:39
Great website. You are doing a great service for those of us who don't have pictures of those years at CHS. Say hello to Tim. We had a great time playing on the basketball team.

Mike Cohen
Sas Saddick 11-May-2005 20:36
Hi Steve,

I'm Sas Saddick - left CHS to the UK in 1970. I presently reside in Perth, Western Australia.
What a wonderful website! Thank you for sharing your photos with all of us.
Bijan Goodarzi 27-Apr-2005 22:18
Hi Steve
Thanks for re-awakening lost memories. It made realize that we really did have a special time, with special people. Miss you all
Bijan Goodarzi
Ismini Ellie Lea 14-Apr-2005 14:48

You are doing a fantastic job - thank you for reviving so many good memories. I so enjoyed the images of the Trojan Review - how great that someone saved some copies!
David Irvine 14-Apr-2005 06:33
Spiro, Steve and all,
It has been awesome to see these photos of what seems so long ago and only yesterday at the same time. Keep up the good work and I hope to see all of you soon!
Janis Herd 13-Apr-2005 16:49
Hi Steve -- I was in Iran 1966-1970, and two of those years were at Community School/Iranzamin. That's me in the picture of Dorcie and David and my sister Georganne. Spiro sent me the link today and I've thoroughly enjoyed your galleries. Photography is my passionate hobby, also. I have a gallery at, mostly of nature shots.
I wish I had more pix from the old days but unfortunately most of my family's pix were lost in a flood that destroyed my parents' home in 2003.
Do you happen to have Anne Taylor's email address? If so I would like to have it. Thanks, and thanks so much for posting these pictures!
Harry Crisson 03-Apr-2005 16:41
Of all the activities I have dreamed of - posting in your guest book was never a consideration - but after looking at the pictures you have saved I consider it an honor to be included on these pages. Thanks, Harry