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Norbert Fortelny | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Jeff Real03-Mar-2017 00:06
It is a great pleasure to have discovered your work!
I love the way you see the world and capture it.
There is a grand purity in what you do.
melissa armstrong16-Nov-2009 23:51
I really like your photos!
Peter 17-Jan-2009 09:04
keep your smiling alive Peter
Marc Vermeulen09-Jan-2009 00:23
Best wishes to you and to yours at 2009!
And thanks that you visit my site regulary.
Ed Fortelny 18-Nov-2008 18:37
Nice work. With a name like Fortelny, I would expect nothing less.
Guest 17-Jul-2008 17:24
Thanks for the comment on my PAD photo :)
Guest 11-Jul-2008 22:45
Thanks for showing your earth its very inspirational
Raúl 29-Jun-2008 09:05
Good work Norbert Regards, Raúl.
Mark Elert30-May-2008 23:18
Thanks for comment! I really like your PAD-galleries a new angle each day.
Guest 19-Mar-2008 17:45
Hi Norbert,
I am a great admirer of your images as well. Complex, beautiful and fascinating, it always draws me in. Keep up the good work!!
Bill Warren22-Jan-2008 13:45
Thanks Norbert for your kind comments on my galleries.
Susanne v. Schroeder16-Oct-2007 15:12
Thanks for stumbling into my galleries. You are a very creative person and have lots of interesting images.
Tatai Imre23-Jul-2007 14:30
Nagyon vidám képek..) Öröm nézni! Lake skiing különösen szép.

From hungary: Imre
Esa Ervasti19-Jul-2007 16:31
Hi Norbert!
thanks for visiting my pages!
Guest 14-Jun-2007 22:23
Hej Norbert,

It has been very kind of you to leave me many encouraging comments. Really appreciate your insight. I look forward to seeing more of your work, too.
Guest 18-Feb-2007 20:41
Thank you very much for your comments. Great work... liked your paintings too! Regards, Paula.