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Peter Chou | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 05-Jun-2019 00:28
Ted Wilson 30-Nov-2014 17:25
Peter, I am trying to get a picture of a friends sisters grave who is buried in Kranji, she would have been 50 years old next year. She died at one day old, on 6th April 1965. She is Wendy Wilson and she is in Plot 13, Row A, Grave 17. Her Mother who is now in her seventies would be ever grateful, she was too ill to attend the funeral at Kluang, she was moved to Kranji in the seventies.
Many Thanks
Ted Wilson (no relation)
Mal Dun 20-Oct-2014 15:12
Do you develop your pictures yourself? I like to dev my own B&W film and have Leitz enlarger for prints. Mal Dun (
Pauline 22-Nov-2011 01:57
Would anyone be kind enough, if visiting the Memorial to take a photo of my Uncle's name please. He is Hughie Ronald George Fletcher TX2688 AIF 2/40 Bn Australian Infantry located in Column 3. I am from Tasmania, Australia and would be eternally grateful.
Holocau12-Jul-2008 06:00
Love your work to death!
Darbowski06-Jan-2008 19:54
Merci de ta visite et de tes commentaires, j'aime tes galeries et je reviendrai régulièrement les visiter, à bientôt...
24:00 23-Dec-2007 01:22
hi Peter! are you chinese?
Holly Gewant 07-Nov-2007 03:56
Hi Peter! I have a piece of your art called "Apple". Can you tell me how much it orinally cost? It measures approximately 15 1/2" wide X 20" high. I would appreciate it if you can let me know as soon as possible. Thank you!
Guest 07-Jul-2007 08:09
Hi Peter! Great black and white pictures. Thanks for sharing with us your view of the different things you see around you!
Guest 15-Jun-2007 11:12
One world. Stunning.
Guest 27-May-2007 15:02
Peter, thanks for dropping by my album. I have been loved your photos very much since I saw them in RFF three years ago.
Guest 07-Mar-2007 15:17
You're truly in a class of your own.
Guest 26-Jan-2007 00:32
Hi Peter, First, I must thanks you for your positive comments on my gallery and secondly I would say that your gallery is worth than a thousand words.
flowsnow31-Dec-2006 12:39
Peter, Thanks for dropping by to allow me the chance to see your gallery. I am impressed that you have converted your pictures to BW. Very unique and I love it. Your pictures are captivating with a lot of emotions captured. Keep shooting and I will definitely drop by again to see your work! Happy New Year!
André Bessot28-Dec-2006 14:07
I wish you a Happy New Year Peter.
Best regards.
Robyco23-Nov-2006 08:38
You really show the country's in a fine way.
Normally I am not a B/W-fan, but your shots are really great.
Nigel Gray20-Sep-2006 18:42
Thanks for looking Peter... I should be going to China and Peru this summer so I'm hoping to get some good stuff. I also started shooting for my college paper, so if I get good stuff I will make sure to post it.

I really like your Nurses of Singapore gallery... and the others too.
Sean Hsieh04-Jul-2006 14:05
Very special B/W photos, especially the self portrait ^__^.
Leonid 06-Apr-2006 16:19
Good site. Me very much has liked.
wave 25-Mar-2006 18:11
Excellent work! Very Creative!
Guest 21-Mar-2006 13:54
Very nice photos. I love the b/w!
Guest 02-Mar-2006 15:38
Your work continues to be very impressive.
Eddie Ling24-Jan-2006 17:08
Very special gallery! I like B/W photos but I have no sense to capture them. Thankx for sharing! Keep it up!
david procter21-Jan-2006 04:56
Thanks for sharing your work Peter, I'll be keeping an eye on your site! Chinese New Year coming up, are you going to take some pics? I've been spending some time in China Town in basngkok recently and plan to be there for New Year. Any advice on capturing the celebrations? Thanks again.
AL07-Jan-2006 04:05
Thanks for showing so many different angles and stories of S'pore that I overlooked all these years! Love your b&w pics, simple yet well composed and expressed. Look forward to learning more from you.
Guest 21-Dec-2005 19:40
Hi Peter,
Yes. It is good to see another RFF on pbase. I really like the Singapore: Sungei Buloh series, and of course the bathroom SP that started it all. The water shots of the specimen collection are just great. What are they collecting? Thanks for visiting my galleries. I'm bookmarking you and I'll keep a look out for new stuff. TTYL.

Guest 05-Dec-2005 20:37
Hi Peter, I have gotten the password and deleted the message that contains it.
I will visit the gallery later. Yes, I am proud to say both my grandfather and father has produced something that will last a long time for all of us to learn, a art that seems to be obsoleted to the computer age. I have 4 brothers, and all 5 of us still know the technique of gold-plating.

Thanks for sharing the information.
Guest 04-Oct-2005 05:00
Excellent work, Peter. Interesting perspective and well executed!
Guest 27-Sep-2005 05:15
Thanks for your comments. Really love your galleries.
Guest 19-Aug-2005 02:18
Great job Peter. I want to see more of you.
lebororo08-Aug-2005 12:34
About the special events I have seen...
Strong images, always hard to say if it is religious or philosophic?
with all my respect for sure
You have done a terrific job to cover this event (ceremony)

lebororo, Robert
Guest 22-Jul-2005 22:57
Hi, I love your pictures in the "Nurses of Singapore" gallery. They're very candid and just plain real. Peace, courtney
Guest 20-Jul-2005 23:23
You have some very good images in your galleries! The "Hill Tribe Girl" is amazing. The texture and line of the dragon contrasting with the straight lines of the stairs leading to the girl = great composition! Living in such a vibrant part of the world - do you ever shoot color?
selena 29-Jun-2005 12:14

nice homepage you've got!
keep up the good work

Guest 07-Jun-2005 16:21
Hello Peter,
Thanks for dropping by my galleries and your kind comments. I am truly impressed by your images of the Taoist festival and the inspiring Nurses' tribute. Keep it up. will continue to drop by often.

melvin noronha
Peter 01-Jun-2005 17:31
Congratulations for your nice pics
Thanks a lot and have a good day
Gail Davison31-May-2005 21:33
Beautiful, beautiful photos, Peter.
Sergio Rojkes30-May-2005 16:37
Thanks Peter for stopping by my page. You gave me the chance to meet your wonderfull journalistic coverage on nurses, something i dont even think in my everyday life. Your shot are a statement in itself.
Nice work.
Dr.Eze Mgbada 28-May-2005 19:50
very nice
Guest 21-May-2005 12:44
Hi Peter, nice pictures, nice essay. I shot BW as well. Your hospital essay remind me to Eugene Smith.
bariq 11-May-2005 15:02
wow, cool control of light. like your work.
Guest 09-May-2005 05:29
hey peter!.. these are awesome concepts. i see it as raw photography, very poignant and meaningful.. thanks! rock on!
Vassily Rastorguev 03-May-2005 21:45
Hello Peter,
After finding your RF gallery, I browsed through your photos both here and on RF forum and I enjoyed them immensely. Much has been said by previous posters and I mostly agree with them/ You have a sharp and poignant vision and as a viewer and aspiring photographer I can almost feel your pain beneath every image you take, maybe it's too far fetched but it seems so to me. This is what photography is about
Gul Chotrani22-Apr-2005 06:51
Well done, Peter. Keep up the good work.
Gul Chotrani
Mansour Mouasher20-Apr-2005 07:25
Remarkable work Peter. Very artistic. I enjoyed a tour of your galleries. You have a unique visual eye. Keep up the good work.
Guest 09-Apr-2005 01:00

I love your black & white look. The nurse series is outstanding, you obviously have good rapport with your colleagues.

You mention that you shoot on Ilfor XP2 Super 400 and I notice that the images have a very contrasty look that is quite striking. The whites and blacks are both "crushed" to some extent. Can you say something about how you achieve this effect? I assume it's deliberate? What tools do you use and what is the effect you strive for?

Of course the technology is not important compared to the great compositions and intense expressions you've captured.

Best wishes,

EHusky29-Mar-2005 23:00
Hi Peter,

I truly enjoyed your B/W photos. Especially the one, that you dedicated to the SG nurses.
They do work hard!!!

I hope to see more pictures of Singapore too. You do a very good representation of the country. Everyone would love to visit Singapore once they see good shots.
Guest 28-Mar-2005 07:18
Hi Peter

thanks for viewing my gallery.
great gallery you have here.
do you only use BNW? especially when you do overseas shooting?

Guest 26-Mar-2005 13:44
Hi, Peter
You have good eyes for black and white photos.
I agreed with you: Capture the reality!

Thank you for your sharing.
Guest 23-Mar-2005 22:06
Hi Peter,

Thanks for the comment and sorry for replying you so late. Like what Singapore Master, Tay Kay Chin has said "Hear from your heart". You do great in your photos, but do try out different perspective and be daring to try. Don¡¦t get controlled by others in hear of ¡§No Good or you should do this and that¡¨. Is all in yourself.

Warmest Regards
Guest 20-Mar-2005 21:14
You have beautifull galleries Peter. Keep up the good work. I'll be coming back to admire your work more times for sure.
Luis Montero15-Mar-2005 20:59
Hola Peter..
Don't get worried looking at someone's colorful galleries compare to yours, let me tell you that all are digital manipulation using contrast& color saturation mostly from photoshop and not posted straight from the camera, in a way is a form of visual cheating. On the contrary B/W mantains the real spirit of the image, you work is almost photojournalistic and looks great, keep on shooting and simply be yourself.
Regards from Perú
Pedro Libório13-Mar-2005 14:45
it was pleasure to visit your gallerys,
i do like your aproach to things ans the contrast of your B&W is quite at my taste.
great shots.
Guest 12-Mar-2005 19:05
Thank you for your comments on my images. After spending some time browsing through your galleries, I can see that we have much in common - most signifantly, a love for the B&W medium and for documenting people in their everyday settings. It's also clear that I have a great deal to learn. You've put together a great pbase here, Peter. Fantastic work.
Guest 07-Mar-2005 16:41
You say your friends think you make ugly pictures. I think your friends are looking for a superficial beauty. Life is what it is and you capture it grit and all.
Your images have a timeless feeling of reportage and I find much to admire.
Guest 04-Mar-2005 04:24
Hey peter your images are great, The b&w really bring out the emotions, and thats what photography is all about.
Great job, i'll visit regularly
Guest 03-Mar-2005 17:58
Your photos are very cultural. Nice work!
Yi Feng02-Mar-2005 22:16
Peter, Thanks for visiting my gallery. very enjoyed your wonderful B/W pictures, especially ' Nurses of Singapore'.
Guest 01-Mar-2005 04:12
Hi Pete,

Realli enjoy ur BW pics..esp the Puala Ubin series..
There is something special abt your photos but can pinpoint it..
Probably tts the "soul factor" that u haf managed to capture..
Keep up the gd works!
André Bessot28-Feb-2005 08:01
Hello Peter,
After your visit on my site, I discover yours. I am very impressed of all these pretty good pictures, especially by the hospital ones. Time to time I work in a such environment and I know all its problems. I thank you very much for sharing and I put your site in my preference. One question: which scanner do you use?
Guest 26-Feb-2005 20:23
For me, your "nurses" gallery is the most attaractive one...i think it may be dig deeper anyway...keep going!
juLi 24-Feb-2005 10:39
Hola!! great shots!! keep nuturing ur art :)
Guest 24-Feb-2005 09:42
Hi Peter,

Thanks for visiting my galleries. And sorry for the late reply. Just got back from my CNY trip.

I like your B&W pictures and your documentary approach. It gives very realistic view of the places. Hope I can have your skill. Please continue sharing.

Do drop by my galleries in the future.

Guest 23-Feb-2005 10:43
Peter, thank you to comment on my gallery!

I love your work too, I like B&W sometimes in some topic!

Actually I also like to use voigtlander camera and lens!

We keep it up together la!!!!
Yong Lau22-Feb-2005 04:38
thank you for viewing my galleries! I like your galleries very much, especially the gallery of nurses of singapore
Fred Parsons21-Feb-2005 06:50
Peter: Thought I would leave my response to your very kind comments in your gallery rather than mine, and then you can delete or not as you see fit.

First, I am honored that you would seek my advise. I should say that I am not really that qualified to speak on Black and White, although I did do black and white in the darkroom for years. I always felt more comfortable with color. Second, I am not either a much of a photographer of people, and not at all a photojournalist. So I will write to my daughter, who is very good at both, and photographs sports models for a living - to see if she would like to comment on to your work. I think you have the desire and potential to be a very good photographer and have some images I like. They are your landscape type images that I feel more comfortable discussing as follows:

I like the composition in "rocks" but the sky seems very gainey - or was that on purpose?

Broken Jetty is nice and good composition

Boats at dawn I like very much, but as in several of your images in this group your skyline is in the middle (which is usually not the best place for it) The old rule of thirds is a good one. Also remember the quote you like "capture a minute part of reality" and put less not more into your pictures (not easy to do) I have to keep saying to myself "kiss": "keep it simple stupid" (and I do think I am stupid when I see too much in an image that does not need to be there) Next, try to have a single point of interest in each landscape, and put USUALLY in one of the squares (in your mind) whem you divide the image into nine squares : 3 across and 3 down, dont use the middle square but try the intersection of corners of the middle square. Also, and especially in your people pictures, you should try and tell a story. The guide coming up out of one of the caves image you did this really well. And the little girl getting measure (I think that is what is happening) by the nurse tells a story. I just wish the whole body of the little girl was being shown to perhaps suggest she was wishing she was as tall a possible - as most kids want. In your kayaks picture I there is nice composition but I wish less kayaks - if you had a telephoto and could show more detail with maybe one or three (not two) and still show the suroundings. Last I really really liked the "Fresh water swamp" Picture. Nice contrast between the round leaves or lilly pads and the grass or verticle plants. And the rain tells the story. Printed nicely in black and white, that image must look very nice. Thanks again, Peter, for your kind words about my work and allowing me the opportunity to discuss your work with you.
Clive Pike 19-Feb-2005 23:36
Enjoyed your images. Stationed in RAF Changi 1953 - 1955. Black and white a good choice, takes me back a bit in time when I took photos there with my Voigtlander Perkeo (which I still have) bought in Changi village. Use a Bronica now and digital. Keep up the good work. Clive
Tony Yu18-Feb-2005 08:42
Hi Peter
Thank you for your visits! I appreciate all comments and really like honest critiques./ Tony Yu
Richard Young18-Feb-2005 07:10
I enjoyed viewing your BW photos. You captured some great glimpses into life.
Guest 17-Feb-2005 08:13
hi friend, thanks for drop by my gallery.
all i can say you have a outstanding bnw gallery!
love you picture. hope to keep in touch with you!!
Guest 16-Feb-2005 16:23
hi peter, why all b&w??
Oleg Chermoshniuk16-Feb-2005 11:51
I like your B&W images very much !
Sebastian Leonàrd13-Feb-2005 07:05

Thank you for visiting my gallery. You have a very interesting gallery also. While some of your friend might call your photos rough, I prefer to call it bold - as in consistent. They're beautiful, rich in tonality and very strong point of interest also.

I just got back from Singapore for the Chinese New Year. I took some pics there, mainly from the esplanade area. Didn't make it to pulau ubin though, maybe for the next trip.

Tami10-Feb-2005 00:08
Thank you for your message. I love your work.

YD Ho 09-Feb-2005 21:41
Thnx for appreciating my perspective of seeing the world.
Noticed ur galleries focus on human n real living. That's an essence of art that is hard to capture. U did well. looking forward for more photos.
Guest 07-Feb-2005 16:01
Hey Peter!

Thanks for visiting my gallery. I have seen your photos and they speak volumes! I especially enjoyed the 'Nurses of Singapore' gallery. Well, thanks for sharing and hope to see more remarkable pictures soon!
Didier Vanderperre07-Feb-2005 00:24
Thanks for visiting my galleries.
I like your pictures, it is always very difficult to shoot exclusively in black and white and you pull it off.
Your galleries are very focused on people, which is also very difficult, but make your work even more interesting.
Guest 03-Feb-2005 12:04
Eres un clásico.
Me gusta tu fotografía documental, únicamente le daría un toque de color en alguno de los casos
Saludos desde España donde tienes un amigo, si alguna vez nos visitas.
Positive Image Photography03-Feb-2005 11:15
Hi Peter,

Thanks for dropping by my site. I appreciate your photos. It's just like you say, they're real, which is sometimes more moving than "pretty" ones. And I honestly like the job you did with the nurses of Singapore and Pulau Ubin. I've always felt that nursing is one of the most under-appreciated jobs around, but truthfully, one of the most important. Anyway, again I say, nice work! I'm trying to move back more to film myself. Feels more "real", too. Somehow...
Guest 03-Feb-2005 00:03
Peter - you have excellent galleries here. I admire your the raw and honest feel of your photography and you seem to have very strong command of exposure and lighting and tonalities. Good work, my friend!
ellaa02-Feb-2005 14:27
thanks for you visting my gallery that give me a chance to see your work. Your gallery is unique and great, full of story line. Very enjoy!
Guest 30-Jan-2005 04:53
Thank you so much for visiting my galleries and leaving such wonderful comments. Your photos are amazing!!! I am honored that you liked my Hands Gallery so much...since your specialty is B&W. Photography has always been a hobby of mine but since I bought my Nikon D70 in Sept 04,I've learned so much. I bought a used Leica M6 TTL and just love it but haven't been using it much since I bought my D70. Looking at your photos make me want to take my rangefinder out! Regards,Ann
Manuel Guerra27-Jan-2005 18:57

Thank you for your kindly words about my gallery. I hope you could visit Spain in the future and take your own photographies here.
Your series of photos taken with the rangefinder camera are really impresive, specially some of them that are really dramatic. Some of these photos remember in some way the style of Cartier Breson.
Continue in ths way.
Manuel Guerra
Jongky Ku27-Jan-2005 03:37
Thanks for your compliments, Peter.
Bali is my favorite place and you should go there someday, it's a nice place for photographer. Especially shooting people and urban lives.
I really like all of your B&W galleries and I'm proud of you by using one lens (35mm) can make such a beautiful photos. Just like B. Alan Harvey did :D
Guest 22-Jan-2005 03:10
Hello Peter, I LOVE S'pore! Yearly, for the last 6 yrs, I go there to visit my friends (except for 2004 hahahaha). Your galleries are exceptional!
Guest 20-Jan-2005 17:19
Awesome pictures, each picture is telling a story and conveying a lot of information... keep up the good work.. Srini RR
Danny Cambré17-Jan-2005 17:21
Hello Peter,
first of all, thank you for your comment on my galleries. I'm glad you liked them.
Looking at your galleries I particulary enjoyed your different, black and white, look on Vietnam. Some of the pictures have pretty much the same content as some of mine but are so different in atmosphere.
paul yung16-Jan-2005 19:38
Very effective use of B&W to creat many fine pictures of human interest, excellent galleries! Congrat!
marilyn k holmberg15-Jan-2005 13:23
i enjoyed your galleries very much, peter!! .. stunning photos of very lovely parts of the world!! .. thanx for looking at my galleries. i will keep stopping back to see your new things!! .. :) 'm'
Guest 05-Jan-2005 13:06
Great pics, Peter. Good to see some quality work from fellow singaporean. Cheers.
Guest 31-Dec-2004 15:43
Happy New Year Peter
I've browsed your galleries and must say that I like the style of your photos, especially the ones on the work of the nurses. I do hope one day my b&w photos can be as impressive as yours.
Guest 30-Dec-2004 22:29
Hi Peter, let me say your gallery is amazing. I love all those b&w photos and don't understand why other people say there isn't beauty on them. They do not love photography like us I supose...

Well, hope to see new photos from that wonderful Bessa soon. (I own an R model)

Happy new year!
KRiS.H23-Dec-2004 08:21
Hi Peter. I just finished browsing through your gallery. Are you still in the process of building this site? Looking forward to see more of your work here as I know you've got a lot more to share.

Documentary photos may not look pretty but I'm sure if one spend extra time thinking about the story behind it, one can start to appreciate these pictures.

Silver17-Sep-2004 00:21
Really looking forward to seeing this grow Peter!
Oscar Reina15-Sep-2004 10:41
Really glad you took the step Peter and ready to see some of your great work here. Welcome! :)