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Nick Powell | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Guest 15-May-2011 14:43
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your niv=ce comment and vote on my "Frosted Tree" image...
mary fenotn 25-Jan-2010 03:06
Love you photos ..particularly your nature shoots. Are you still enthalled with the sigma? I am thinking of purchasing this lens..but need some feed back from a real life photograher ..amatuer not some pro who poops pooops all lenses not canon or nikon.
The Constant Gardener 09-Sep-2009 15:07
I've just browsed your exhibition gallery. Looks really amazing. The Black and White photo of the trees is still my favourite. Well Done!
Tams 10-May-2009 18:35
Nick, Thank you so much for sharing your galleries with me. It is a real privilege; I often find myself immersed in your thoughts - it truly is a gift to compose such amazing images.
Roger Williams 19-Feb-2009 21:56
Kent, I just read your review (July 2008)of the Sigma 150-500mm lens. I wondered how you feel about it now, that you've had time to gain more experience with the lens. I want a 500mm lens, but find the Canon 500mm f/4 IS lens a bit beyong my reach. Therefore, I've been reading reviews about Sigma and Tamron options. In your review, you indicated a preference for the Sigma over your previously owned Tamron 200-500mm lens. Most of my work deals with birds and other wildlife, so sharpness and clarity are paramount. I would appreciate any comments based on you experience. Thanks
Guest 25-Jan-2009 07:08
Hello Nick,
If you can spare some time, I would appreciate very much your comments on the gallery:
Hope to hear from you. Thanks.

poetry66629-Dec-2008 01:48
Hi Nick, Thank you for your continued support of my work over the past year. All of your comments are very much appreciated. I find your work very inspiring and well captured. Happy New Year!
Guest 26-Dec-2008 09:01
Hi Nick,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

fiery_angel09-Dec-2008 08:43
lovely galleries!wonderful photography.i;ll be back for more....for sure.
Franco Pacelli16-Nov-2008 16:28
Nick, thanks for your nice comments!


Guest 13-Oct-2008 14:43
Many thanks Nick for the nice comment and vote on my Rainbow image...
Guest 03-Oct-2008 06:21

I'm trying desperately to contact photographer Nick Powell.

Does anybody know how to contact him? I have tried through the PBase Admin. but no luck.

Any help would be massively appreciated.

Andrew Slattery
Guest 27-Sep-2008 03:48
Thanks Nick,
I appreciate your nice comment and vote on my Scenic...
Fay Stout01-Sep-2008 01:57
Thanks so much for your nice comment on my flying owl. Your galleries are so extensive it is mind boggling. I have very much enjoyed looking through them. So glad your son is following in your footsteps.
Guest 27-Aug-2008 12:56
Nick, how did you embed the youtube videos into your gallery?

Jarek M27-May-2008 11:16

Thanks for visiting my gallery and your comments.

Best Regards
Guest 05-May-2008 20:22
Hello Nick,

Thanx for your comment to my gallery. Your galleries are very beautiful.

Guest 29-Apr-2008 12:54
Thanks Nick for your nice comment on my snow scene...
Ted Chappell15-Mar-2008 00:39
What an incredible range of galleries........I look forward to slowly going thru and checking each image.
Guest 03-Mar-2008 04:07
many thanks Nick on my fall image...
Lensview Photography10-Feb-2008 05:54
Hi Nick

You have some lovely galleries. I love Ramsgate Harbour 3 in your Published Work.


kimene S29-Jan-2008 09:39
Wonderful work Nick! Ever truly inspired!
Dan Opdal07-Jan-2008 09:27
Sorry it took me so long to respond to your comments, Nick. Thank you so much for commenting on one of my sunset and lightning images. I really like your Portofino, Italy image. You have many excellent galleries!

Thanks Dan O
Kat24-Dec-2007 16:40
Merry Xmas to you and your family and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for returning to my galleries
Guest 11-Dec-2007 11:18
Thank you Nick for your comment on one of my images. Visiting your galleries, I can easily and happily say that I share your eye for what to visually frame. I feel even more determined.

Guest 08-Dec-2007 10:18
had a look around and quite enjoyed your diversity
Graham Tomlin02-Dec-2007 17:24
thank you Nick for your kind comment kind regards Helen
Guest 17-Nov-2007 22:24
Hi Nick,

Thanks very much for your comment on my Marrakech shot. I very much enjoyed meandering through your galleries.

Guest 17-Nov-2007 21:50
Hi, Nick,
Congratulations for your nice page and collection. Very nice images

Guest 07-Nov-2007 18:25
Nice Gallery
Guest 04-Nov-2007 10:17
You have some beautiful galleries in your collection. Very impressive.
Robbie D7025-Oct-2007 08:25
Hello Nick, Your photography is truly amazing and inspiring. You have a great eye for a
new scene and with your editing skills each becomes a work of art . Well done.
Guest 22-Oct-2007 22:46
Thanks for ur comment. I will ur travel galleries and hope that one day you will visit my country - malaysia too. Then you can call me out for a photo outing.
Anita Waters14-Oct-2007 11:36
Thanks Nick for your comment and vote. Originally from Dover myself, born and lived there for 16 years!
Claude Moreillon28-Sep-2007 10:31
Hi Nick
Thank you so much for your comment and vote on my gallery
Your galleries are very creative
Tanks again
John Glines25-Sep-2007 06:13
Thanks for leaving your kind words on my photo of the novice monk on the ferryboat. Coming from you, it was a great compliment because I got a chance to look at some of your galleries, and I find your work is exceptionally fine, particularly the photos of Ramsgate. Regards.
Michal Pistol24-Sep-2007 06:03
Hi Nick,

Thank you so much for your comment in my galleries...
you have an excellent picture!!
beautiful galleries

mike robson27-Aug-2007 11:54

Thanks for your comment on Snowdonia photo - co-incidentally,I was born down the road from Ramsgate in Broadstairs (Dumpton Park Drive)!

Some really superb collections - I will come back to see more.
Barry S Moore26-Aug-2007 10:58
Hi Nick,

You have certainly a talent for taking some excellent photographs. I enjoyed the short look at them and will browse some more later. Thanks for comments at my Gallery.

regards Barry
Guest 16-Aug-2007 01:48
Hi, Nick. Thanks for your comment and vote on my gallery.
The images in your galleries are very nice. Well Done !
Guest 14-Aug-2007 22:04
Very nice collection of photos Nick
Bud Hensley10-Aug-2007 00:17
Hi Nick.
Thanks for your comment and vote.
Didn't make it through all of them ;) , but really enjoyed your travel photos!
RadioWonder24-Jul-2007 18:06
Hi Nick, Thank you for your kind words.
Your galleries are very creative.
Thanks again...
Paula Krugerud19-Jul-2007 15:01
Hi Nick, Thank you for your lovely comments and visiting again! I've had a completely crazy wild and busy summer...been missing pbase a lot!! I can't imagine those that are bored with life...they must not be breathing!! :-)
When I find that leisurely few minutes...or hours...I will puruse your galleries again, something I've been missing!
Thanks again! Paula
Chris Spracklen19-Jul-2007 06:07
It's good to make your acquaintance, Nick.
Thanks for all your kind comments and encouragement.
I've enjoyed my first real visit to your portfolio and hope to pop back again soon.
Best regards, Chris
Guest 09-Jul-2007 22:27
Thanks for the comment and vote. I love your reflection and shadows gallery, lots of beautiful shots in there.
Gervan25-Jun-2007 19:02
Hi Nick,
Thanks for all your visits and comments of the last few weeks. I was so busy travelling and uploading photos that I could not reply earlier.
Now I wanted to admire your fractals, but cannot find them anymore. I thought that some weeks ago I saw in a glance that you started a fractal gallery. Or am I wrong ?
Anyhow, I enjoyed viewing your recent work. You've a giant productivity and all of high quality.

Dawn McKenzie-Wykes27-May-2007 04:57
Hello Nick you have some lovely colourful, and beautifully presented galleries.. well done to you.
Greetings from New Zealand.
Garrett Lau22-May-2007 07:29
Thank you for the comment and the vote. You certainly know how to use backlighting, too.
Guest 15-May-2007 21:59
website looking great
poetry66607-May-2007 23:16
Hi Nick,thanks for your kind comments. I really like your Kent gallery,with Hever and Scotney castles. Left some comments and added you to my favorites.
Ian Dalgliesh27-Apr-2007 14:55
Hi Nick,Thanks for your comments.Curiously,the image of the sub,has been on display for almost a fortnight without a single visitor,until I cropped out a rather large white kerb,from the front,RHS,and cropped out some of the more bland sky.Result--lots of comments and hits.
Guest 22-Apr-2007 17:50
Hi Nick,
You have some FANTASTIC galleries here.

There were several I wanted to leave comments on and vote... but it appears that on some that option is not available.

Once again, Fantastic work!
Paula Krugerud15-Apr-2007 22:08
Hi Nick,
I do thank you also for visiting my galleries and commenting on my pics! I enjoy getting any feedback. I really enjoy purusing your galleries, you are quite talented!! Thank you again, Paula Krugerud
Ron Fredrick14-Apr-2007 21:46
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your nice comment about my Double-crested Cormorant image. You have such an impressive diversity of image galleries on your site.
I enjoyed them all but the Oil Seed Rape Field in your perspectives gallery especially caught my attention. You have a great eye for photography.
Giorgio Gregori10-Apr-2007 11:57
Hi Nick,
I have appreciated many images of yours. You face many aspects of photography, showing passion and competence. If you want, i'll be glad to deepen with you any question about nature photography.
Greetings from Tuscany.
Guest 02-Apr-2007 23:27
You have an excellent gallery, Nick. Great works!
Thanks for sharing.
Guest 29-Mar-2007 01:59
Thanks for commenting on mine, Nick. Your images are absolutely stunning. Great photography!
Guest 16-Mar-2007 21:50
love the pics of Kent, and also the wildlife photos.
nicolebouglouan16-Mar-2007 21:11
Thank you for your kind comment and your visit! You have wonderful pictures in yours!
Great works!
Guest 16-Mar-2007 09:10
Hey Nick. Thanks for checking out my work and commenting.I love your photos, quite an experience. please keep coming back as I'll do the same! keep it up!
Guest 01-Mar-2007 03:47
Hello Nick, thanks for the comment on my sunset storm image above Sedona. I enjoyed going through your galleries, now I want to go to Bermuda. Jim.
Federico D'Incà14-Feb-2007 08:22
Gr8 photos Nick ...esp. Ramsgate ...well done ..!!
Guest 11-Feb-2007 22:47
Thks for yours comments Nick

Federico D'Incà11-Feb-2007 06:24
Great shots Nick ...tks for sharing them !
Guest 09-Feb-2007 02:32
Thanks Nick for your comments - I see your Ramsgate interest!!!
January Grey31-Jan-2007 07:45
Thank you for stopping by to leave such a nice comment at my gallery...otherwise, I might not have discovered your awesome photos! Keep sharing the beauty!
Guest 28-Jan-2007 20:23
Hi Nick,
I'm happy you visited my galleries and thank you very much for your kind words. You have so many beautiful pics here...
Guest 28-Jan-2007 12:00
Great galleries, images, thanks for your comments on my galleries
ofer zilberstein28-Jan-2007 08:08
Hi Nick,
Thanks for the comment to my picture.
Lloyd & Sandy Spitalnik23-Jan-2007 07:13
Hi Nick, Welcome to PBase, and thanks for your comment and vote on my Winter Wren pic. Enjoyed browsing your varied galleries. Hope you enjoyed your trip to NYC :-)Regards, Lloyd and Sandy
Edwin Leemans20-Jan-2007 08:21
Thanks for visiting and your comments.You got some nice shots yourself,love the kingfisher pic's.
Guest 16-Jan-2007 23:27
Nick, thank you for your comment!
Its great to see new PBase people, i've been watching
your galleries, great pictures!
I added you to my favorites because i want to see more another time!
Thanks again and
anthony195713-Jan-2007 11:15
Thanks for commenting on my work and I have done the same for yours. I have enjoyed touring your galleries Nick.
Theo Snijder10-Jan-2007 19:41
Hi Nick, Thanks for visiting my galleries and commenting. You got some nice shots yourself! Regards Theo
Greg Burke10-Jan-2007 04:54
thanks for commenting on my galleries, I really like your panorama shots..
Dr. Michael G. Mathews10-Jan-2007 03:04

Thanks so much for stopping by my galleries and the kind words you left there. I have spent the last 1/2 hour or so thumbing through your handiwork. Great images here! Left several comments and votes. I hope you don't mind, but I've added you to my favorites group so I can monitor your recent images and come back often.

Cheers sir and happy new year!
Salah El-Sadek08-Jan-2007 03:24
Hi Nick,
Thanks for your visit and kind comments, your visit gave me the chance to discover this awsome galleries of yours, I liked so many shots , and sure I am going to revisit many times for comments..
Happy New Year ..
Salah El-Sadek
Guest 06-Jan-2007 21:46
really appreciate for your comments & encouragement. many of your photos are stunner. well done, keep going & hope to see more of your photos.
Guest 06-Jan-2007 09:39
Thaks for your visiting my gallery. There are many well done photos in your gallery.
prolineyen, Taiwan
Guest 04-Jan-2007 19:35
Thanx Nick for commenting in my gallery. u got some cool pictures in ur gallery. keep up the good work.
Cheers!! Jay
Guest 03-Jan-2007 15:37
Nice Gallery
Mario Weusten03-Jan-2007 07:26
Happy New Year to you, and your family and friends
GR Mario
Guest 31-Dec-2006 22:39
I am very glad about your interest in my work. I like your pictures and I would like
to wish you success and many great shots in the next year.
Guest 28-Dec-2006 16:29
I appreciate your recent comment. You truly have an eclectic collection of fine photographs, may you take many many more throughout 2007. Best wishes.
Guest 25-Dec-2006 23:19
Beautiful Galleries.....
Guest 13-Dec-2006 03:23
Thank you very much for stopping by my Food & Wine gallery, for your wonderful comment and your vote! I really enjoyed your travle images, wonderful sense of place and use of color!
Guest 12-Dec-2006 18:10
Hi Nick!
Your galleries are outstanding! Thank you for taking the time to visit mine.
Guest 05-Dec-2006 02:06
Thanks, Nick. I enjoy visiting your gallery a lot.
Jess. ( Lady.D.)03-Dec-2006 19:32
Hi Nick, some excellent images. I love Kent, have family there that I visited in 2003. enjoyed your galleries very much.
Guest 03-Dec-2006 00:00
You have some great shots here. I will have to visit often...I really enjoyed your photos.
Manas Khan01-Dec-2006 21:05
Thanks for your comment on my photo. There are some great panorama shots in your gallery.

Guest 30-Nov-2006 22:53
Thanks for the visit. Love the panarama gallery. Adding you to my favs as you have a definate eye for a good shot
Guest 30-Nov-2006 19:01

I'm really motivated to shoot whenever I see your photos! Your composition is top-notch and you seem to be at the right place at the right time. It takes someone with your level of skill to present photography with such beauty and boldness.
Einar Johannessen29-Nov-2006 20:58
Hi, Nick,
thanks for stopping by my Flying Legends Gallery. I really liked your Kingfisher portraits. Wish we had those birds over here.
Paolo Giallonardo28-Nov-2006 23:24
Hi Nick, thanks for your comment of my work! You have great shots in your gallery, like an expert photographer. With this talent your wildlife and bird's images will be securely more and more impressive.
fotoopa26-Nov-2006 15:55
Nick, Thank you for the comment. It's much appreciated.
You got some really impressive pics!
Julia 25-Nov-2006 23:38
In my humble opinion, you certainly have an eye. Beautiful, simply beautiful.
Guest 22-Nov-2006 13:57
Nick, thanks for your kind comments. Excellent images.
Gervan17-Nov-2006 20:23
Hi Nick,

Your interest in photography started only three years ago? Well, then you've made a quick progression. Your galleries show beautiful pictures in an individual style.
Wish you big success and happy shooting!
Alex Lau17-Nov-2006 00:38
Welcome to Pbase Nick. You have great eye in your photography. Thank you for sharing them and I would definitely come back often and check out your new works!!!


Jean D16-Nov-2006 04:41
Nick, thanks for your comments on my autumn images. The images in your galleries are superb!
An De Wilde12-Nov-2006 11:43
Thx for your visit at my gallery... and i've looked also to yours.... your autum colour gallery is beautiful ! as well as the kingfishers... nice !
I will visit again ! keep up the good work, and share it with us
Baskar10-Nov-2006 16:42
Thanks for visiting my gallery. You have some excellent images here. Autmunal colours gallery is really wonderful. Terrific shots of Kingfihers too. Added to my list of favourites!
glimpses by lu07-Nov-2006 01:43
A wonderful hello to you Nick! As I visited all of your galleries I was very impressed by the wonderful images and your composition. I especially enjoyed all of your autumn of my favorite because of all the wonderful shades of colors you have captured. I will visit often and keep clicking your pictures as you tell us a story of your life. Thank you for the visit to my galleries and your kind comments! Smiles to you, lu
Guest 06-Nov-2006 21:31
Hi Nick! Thanks for looking at my Fungi gallery. I took the shots today after work, I'm very happy with the sharpness and detail of my new macro lens. I looked at your gallery and they are all good shots! I like the subjects of most of your photos!